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MywupIn my efforts to keep organized, I like to write a lot of things down. So you will usually see me with a notebook of some sort. In fact, here's a picture of my latest small version.

Anyway, I was interested to hear about the WUP or Wake Up Pad. You can read about it in this great book titled The Radical Edge by Steve Farber. Here's links to bloggers who use this and similar methods:

The idea is to stay present every day, wherever you are, by taking notes. Then you can ponder what you have written and take action based on your observations.

My problem though is I have too many notebooks. I tend to be a messy note writer and I don't keep the notebooks intact (Steve Farber says he has boxes of notebooks). I take pages out and file them with projects and sometimes I throw pages away when I complete all the items. This weekend I plan to tidy up all my work areas and make sure I capture the notes from all the books.

If you have hints for me, I'll listen...


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