About Sandy

Prior to launching PurpleWren, Sandy served as an independent blog writer and virtual assistant for small businesses. Before that she worked with companies like Kemin Industries, Stanford University News Service, Wellmark and the Iowa League of Cities.

She is an active member of the Des Moines alliance of The Association for Women in Communications where she co-edits the local website, and she recently joined the board at Digital Arts Group (DAG).

She is a former member of the Iowa Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) and served on their board.

Books and Music

The Books & Music link takes you to the Amazon Associates program. Sandy is an affiliate member, and that means she could earn spare change if you buy a book that she recommends. The main purpose is to share her love of great authors and artists. You will find a variety of topics and interests.

Fun Stuff

The sidebar was getting too busy, so I moved some of the gear back here. It felt like the front of a refrigerator with too many magnets, or the fan at the basketball game with a hat (full of pins) or the racecar fan with patches all over her jacket. Now I have more room for pictures of visitors!



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